Goalblue holds the 9/22 Green Travel Day sharing session

For the 11th edition of the 9/22 China Green Travel Day, public welfare organisation Goalblue held on 22 September 2017 a sharing session for the media and the public on this edition's theme: 'Shared Streets for Clean transportation'.

Speakers at the session included : Vice-president of the Urban traffic research branch (China Academy of Urban Planning and Design) Mr Zhao Yixin; Regional Director for East and Southeast Asia of the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) Mr Richard Liu; China Program Transport Director of the World Resources Institute (WRI) China Sustainable Cities Mr Liu Dazing as well as Mr Lai Quanrong, Vice President of Bluegogo.

They shared ideas and their respective projects to promote the concept of ‘street sharing' to include a greater space for cyclists and pedestrians that would lead to a more sustainable way of life. Their presentations included topics such as: shared transportation, healthy cities, and shared economies.

At the occasion of this sharing session, Goalblue presented to the public its new publication, The Non-motorised Transportation Bluepaper in hope that it will serve as reference for decision makers to build and design streets that are pedestrians and cyclists friendly, making our cities greener in the process.